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Member Directory
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What to expect when visiting us at
McPherson church of Christ
Thank you for choosing to be our guest. We want you to feel welcome and blessed,
so let us share with you what you may expect when you honor us with your presence.
We are simply Christians who are committed to following the Bible as our only source of religious authority. Our mission is “to present every person complete in Christ” -Colossians 1:28. We are a diverse group of believers, from many backgrounds and at various stages of spiritual growth, who are united in our faith and love for Jesus.
When you arrive at the door, you may expect to be warmly greeted and given a worship bulletin to guide you through our morning service. These special greeters will also be available should you need help finding your way around our building. There is no assigned seating in our place of worship—so feel free to sit wherever you feel most comfortable. Services begin with a greeting and a call to worship. You are invited to fill out an attendance card. Choosing to fill one of these out gives you an opportunity to let us know your spiritual needs.
Prayer is another important aspect of our worship in as much as we believe that God’s power is available through prayer -James 5:16. Public prayers will be led at various times during our worship. Then, as we draw our service to a close, one of our elders will lead a special prayer on behalf of those with special needs or circumstances
-1 Peter 5:1-4.
Every Sunday we participate in a communion service -Acts 20:7. This memorial service, instituted by our Lord, involves two elements: unleavened bread and fruit of the vine -Matthew 26:26-29.
Following some brief remarks, plates with unleavened bread will be passed throughout the congregation. The bread symbolizes the body of Christ. Each one participating in this memorial will break off a piece of bread and eat it. Then, some trays containing small cups filled with grape juice will be passed around. The grape juice represents the blood of Jesus. Each participant will drink the contents of one cup. You may choose not to participate. Feel free to pass on the plate or tray to the person sitting next to you. If you would prefer the pre-packaged bread and grape juice, that is available upon entering. This communion service is one way we are encouraged to remember what Jesus did for us on the cross.
Although not a part of the communion service, a collection is usually taken up at this time -1 Corinthians 16:2. As our guest, you are not expected to make a donation. Feel free to simply pass the collection plate on to the next person.
One of the unique aspects of our worship is that the singing is “a capella”; that is, we sing without the accompaniment of musical instruments. In singing, we praise God and encourage one another -Colossians 3:16. You are invited to participate to whatever extent you feel comfortable. We believe you will find this to be an especially meaningful part of our service. Song books are available for your use in a book rack fastened to the back of the pew in front of you. Or, if you prefer, the words and music to the songs are shown on a screen at the front of the auditorium.
The lesson, about 30 minutes in length, will be strongly centered in the Bible. Feel free to take notes so that when you get home you can refresh your memory from the word of God. The bulletin has an outline of the sermon and space for notes.
At the close of the sermon, we offer an invitation to any who might be encouraged to publicly respond to the lesson by coming to the front of the auditorium while the congregation stands and sings an invitation song. Some come forward requesting prayers for spiritual strength. Others come to confess sin or be baptized for remission of sins - Acts 2:38. In such a case, you will witness their confession of faith and baptism into Christ.
Still others come to place membership—that is, to let the church know that they wish to work and worship with the congregation.
These acts of worship are meant to emulate the New Testament patterns of Worship that began in Acts 2.
At the McPherson church of Christ we like to gather together for fellowship.
These occasions include:
Children: Pew packers meet at the front of the auditorium before morning worship. This gives the children time to sing songs to our Lord Jesus Christ and share a memory verse. All children are encouraged to learn.
Youth Group: Teen events are held playing games and spending time together. Teens have the opportunity to attend youth events in and out of town and attend Flint Hills Christian Camp.
Young Adults: We have monthly get togethers to share food and a time of fellowship followed by singing and a devotional.
College Students: College Students are included in the Young Adult activities with support at college events including sports events, musical events, and whatever students are involved in during their time at college.
Women: Coffee and connections, ladies eat out.
Men: Men's retreats and activities are held throughout the year.
Times are set aside for a men's breakfast to share a meal early on a Saturday morning and have a time of devotion and work projects.
Second Sunday Servants - Every second Sunday evening, a meal will be shared at the church building at 5:00 PM, with a 30 minute worship service followed by a worship or devotional service at care facilities with our shut-ins.
Mission McPherson - Organized clean up events in McPherson. A day of service that we use to go to members' houses to do projects for them and help out.
ONE Circles meet every fourth Sunday in place of Sunday evening services. We share a meal together and then have a time of study. This is a great time to connect and fellowship with members in a smaller group to grow relationships.
Every 5th Sunday we share a "Compact Sunday" meal after morning services with a devotional immediately following the meal.
Thanks again for choosing to be a part of our worship! We are brought together by our need for the Savior, Jesus Christ. As we gather together to draw closer to Him, we have been honored to have you with us. We trust that your time with us will be a pleasant and spiritually uplifting experience. Be assured that you are always welcome any time you choose to be with us.
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